Become a Licensed KN3W IDEAS Facilitator or Practitioner

How to become a Licensed KN3W IDEAS facilitator
1. Customised live-action workshops
All KN3W IDEAS Customised Live-action Workshops include the training of in-house facilitators. In-house facilitators are identified at the start of the project and work alongside KN3W IDEAS facilitators during the pre-work stage and assist during the workshop as table facilitators. On completion of the workshop the in-house facilitators are issued with a KN3W IDEAS licensed facilitator certificate.
2. 40 hour Licensed Facilitator Training Course - Full-time or part-time
The KN3W IDEAS Licensed Facilitator Training Course has been developed externally by an external professional trainer with over 14 years experience running his own Registered Training Organisation. The 40 hour course is delivered through a blend of face-to-face tuition and team project work over 5 consecutive days or over a 10 week part-time program. The KN3W IDEAS Licensed Facilitator Training Course is designed to give participants a live KN3W IDEAS workshop experience as well as the background preparation and facilitator training required to run a KN3W IDEAS live-action workshop. Participants will work together on a live business project while rotating facilitation roles.
Each licensed facilitator receives a KN3W IDEAS WorkGroup Facilitator toolkit (valued at $2000.00), a complete PowerPoint Workshop 'run' presentation and is listed on the KN3W IDEAS website, and will have access to additioanl facilitator material. Licensed facilitators can also purchase tool kits, refills and books at discounted prices.
Licensed Facilitator Training Courses are run in Sydney, Australia, and will be extended to other capital cities, New Zealand and the rest of the world as partnership agreements are set up around the world.
National Accreditation
Licensed KN3W IDEAS facilitators can gain a nationally recognised accreditation by completing an assessment through the KN3W IDEAS partner registered vocational training institute. This is typically done during a subsequent workshop either through live observation or by submitting video evidence.
How to become a Licensed KN3W IDEAS Practitioner
In order for accredited facilitators to, in turn, train and issue certification to in-house facilitators, they need to be accredited as a KN3W IDEAS practitioner. KN3W IDEAS practitioners must have a TAA Cert IV in Training & Assessment or equivalent and have facilitated several KN3W IDEAS workshops. Practitioner accreditation is again offered through a live assessment or by providing supporting evidence which could include video footage.
Find a Licensed KN3W IDEAS Facilitator or Practitioner

A great introduction to this unique new problem-led front-end of innovation technique. The book is also a complete DIY guide to running your own KN3W IDEAS workshop because it contains a complete set of the patent-pending KN3W IDEAS templates and tools, and a step-by-step classroom in a book tutorial – everything you need to start picking the right things to do – now!